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Setting second featured image as rollover

  • Hi,

    Great plugin! I was able to add a second image to associate with the featured image when adding a featured image (in edit process). But I am unsure how to make that second image associate as a rollover or hover of the featured image. Any suggestions on how to do this?


  • Hi @trenee71

    This is a front end HTML question, so I would advise you to jump onto stack exchange for some answers.

    Are you able to load the image value correctly through the get_field function?

  • Hi, I’m not sure if this a stack exchange question because I don’t know if I’ve done all I can using ACF yet.

    I’ve attached screen grabs of what I accomplished using ACF. The first shows the Feature Hover Image custom field with the uploaded image of the chair graphic in the right corner. Part one of what needed to happen.

    The second image shows the settings for the custom field as a reference.

    Because this is a feature image of a product item in WooCommerce and not a typical page or post I am unsure how to get that feature hover image to appear when that product shows on the shop pages. What kind of ACF code would I use to edit the WooCommerce product template?

    Right now the product feature images just have a transparent hover effect. I would like them to have my specific Feature Hover Image instead. Example of product page in the link below…


  • P.S. If you’re able to work this through with me, it could become a great add-on for you to sell for WooCommerce shops…


  • Hi @trenee71

    All WP images have an ID.
    With this ID you can load any ACF data (please see documentation)
    With WooCommerce, you can load the thumbnail of the product just like in WP

    This is not a limitation of ACF. Just some simple front end code

    Good luck

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