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Setting $field['default_value'] not working in acf/prepare_field

  • Hi Elliot,
    I’m using ACF Forms and am trying to set the default value of a checkbox field (multiple checkboxes, some of them initially checked) through the filter acf/prepare_field – it doesn’t have any effect though. It works through acf/load_field, but I’m having some other issues there with query vars not being available, probably because it’s too early in the loop.

    I think this could potentially be a bug – shouldn’t it be possible to set defaults via acf/prepare_field?


  • It should be possible to set the default value using acf/prepare field.

    More information on the field and the code your using to try to set the default would help.

  • Hi @hube2,
    currently, I’ve split up the code into setting the available choices for the checkboxes in acf/prepare_field and defining the default value for the field in acf/load_field. I hope my code below is enough to understand what I’m doing.

    function wptd_acf_load_brot_verfuegbarkeit_values( $field ) {
        if (!is_admin()) {
            // Only in frontend
            $verfuegbarkeiten = get_query_var('verfuegbarkeiten') ?? $_SESSION['verfuegbarkeiten'] ;
            $sortiment_heute = get_query_var('sortiment_heute') ?? $_SESSION['sortiment_heute'];
            if (!empty($sortiment_heute)) {
                $field['default_value'] = wptd_get_brote_available($sortiment_heute, $verfuegbarkeiten);
        return $field;
    add_filter('acf/load_field/key=field_5eddd053baf5a', 'wptd_acf_load_brot_verfuegbarkeit_values');
    function wptd_acf_load_brot_verfuegbarkeit_choices( $field ) {
        if (!is_admin()) {
            // Only in frontend
            $sortiment_heute = get_query_var('sortiment_heute');
            if (!empty($sortiment_heute)) {
                $field['choices'] = array_reduce($sortiment_heute, function($result, $item) {
                    $result[$item] = get_the_title($item);
                    return $result;
                }, []);
        return $field;
    add_filter('acf/prepare_field/key=field_5eddd053baf5a', 'wptd_acf_load_brot_verfuegbarkeit_choices');
  • Hi @hube2,
    I have currently split my code for loading the choices for my checkboxes and for setting the default value. I hope my code gives you enough insight to understand what I’m trying to do.

    function wptd_acf_load_brot_verfuegbarkeit_values( $field ) {
        if (!is_admin()) {
            // Only in frontend
            $verfuegbarkeiten = get_query_var('verfuegbarkeiten') ?? $_SESSION['verfuegbarkeiten'] ;
            $sortiment_heute = get_query_var('sortiment_heute') ?? $_SESSION['sortiment_heute'];
            if (!empty($sortiment_heute)) {
                $field['default_value'] = wptd_get_brote_available($sortiment_heute, $verfuegbarkeiten);
        return $field;
    add_filter('acf/load_field/key=field_5eddd053baf5a', 'wptd_acf_load_brot_verfuegbarkeit_values');
    function wptd_acf_load_brot_verfuegbarkeit_choices( $field ) {
        if (!is_admin()) {
            // Only in frontend
            $sortiment_heute = get_query_var('sortiment_heute');
            if (!empty($sortiment_heute)) {
                $field['choices'] = array_reduce($sortiment_heute, function($result, $item) {
                    $result[$item] = get_the_title($item);
                    return $result;
                }, []);
        return $field;
    add_filter('acf/prepare_field/key=field_5eddd053baf5a', 'wptd_acf_load_brot_verfuegbarkeit_choices');


  • Hey @hube2,
    I just found out that I need to use $field['value'] instead of $field['default_value'] in acf/prepare_field to do what I want to do! 🙂


  • I also had some difficulty getting the $field['default_value'] to work in the acf/prepare_field. @dreiqbik got me on track (thanks!). You can obviously use another filter, but if you need to define the default value when preparing the field, using $field['value'] can imitate the $field['default_value'].

    This will override any selected value though, so you’ll have to filter it yourself. Check if it already has a value set, and if you don’t know if the field allows for null, you should check for that too:

    if(!$field['value'] && !$field['allow_null']) {
        $field['value'] = 'YOUR DEFAULT VALUE';
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