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Set up a Search based on Relevancy

  • Hi There,

    We need setup a search which shows results based on relevancy.

    For example
    below all terms are related to cardiology, so when someone type cardiology in search, WordPress should suggest all the pages with these terms and vise versa. when searching other pages, it should suggest cardiology and other cardiology related posts.

    Is there any chance achieving using your plugin using ACF custom field and tag the pages?

    Cardiology – Heart, Cardiovascular disease, CVD, Heart Failure, HF, Congestive Heart Failure, Chronic Heart Failure, CHF, AF, Atrial Fibrillation, Coronary Heart Disease, CHD, Acute Coronary Syndrome, ACS, Myocardial infarction, MI, IHD,
    Ischaemic Heart Disease

  • Use Relevanssi combined with an ACF field to allow entering relevant search terms for each post. You can also add the term names to a normal WP custom field when posts are saved so that Relevanssi and search by the terms if the posts are assigned to all of the related terms.

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