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Set as featured image & Insert into post buttons missing

  • Hi!
    Is it possible to add “Set as featured image” & “Insert into post” buttons into Gallery field media frame?
    Do anyone know how to easily add them? Or is it not possible?


  • Hi @kenno

    Thanks for the request, however the “Insert into post” button is not relevant to this field type, as the gallery field is a very custom interface and would not comply with the_editor. Also, what if the user does not have the_editor in their post_type?

    As for the set as featured image. I would have thought this would be a link already available for each image in the sidebar information.


  • Okay, but a technical question here. How can I add more buttons into the Gallery field media frame toolbar? I know it uses the default select toolbar, but whenever I try to add some buttons, it only works for builtin Media frames (button “Insert media”)

    If you could help me add a button into that toolbar I can conclude this question.

  • Hi @kenno

    What code are you using to add this button?

    The ACF image popup does not contain the sidebar which may explain why your button is not appearing. Is this possible?

  • Using this code to add button into media frame.
    But its added to the WP builtin “Insert media” because of “” its added in code.

    ACF image popup or gallery doesnt set a toolbar, but WP core fallback/default toolbar is “select”. My understanding here is that I would either need to create a separate toolbar or use some of the existing ones (for example the “select” one it already uses) but we miss some handlers for new buttons here.

  • Hi @kenno

    When you say toolbar, do you mean the left sidebar?

    If so, then this is not possible as ACF does not include this left sidebar at all.

    Sorry, hope that helps clear up your question.


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