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Select template from elementor with ACF

  • Hello,

    We have setup a portfolio page with ACF. That works great. But we have one problem. Every project could have another contact person. So on project A, you should contact Person A. And on Project B you should contact Person B.

    No i created 2 templates, one contact row for Person A and one for Person B.

    My client is going to fill the projects, and it would be great if he could pick template 1 or template 2 based on the project.

    To make it a bit more clear:
    My client is entering a project:
    Project name:
    Type of house:
    Number of rooms:
    How big is the bathroom:
    After that he should select template A or B:
    Who is the contact person: select person A or Person B

    If one is selected on the portfolio template a row should be added with the right template persona A or B

    Is that possible?
    Thank you

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