I’m leveraging the select field in a repeater to set varying image sizes
prev-landscape : Landscape
prev-landscape-small : Landscape (small)
prev-portrait : Portrait
For some reason, I’m not having any success in echoing out the correct select result in this repeater:
$rows = get_field('grid');
if ($rows){
foreach($rows as $row){
$field = get_sub_field_object('image_size');
$value = get_sub_field('image_size');
$size = $field['choices'][ $value ];
echo '<div>';
echo wp_get_attachment_image( $row['image'], $size );
echo '</div>';
Any hints as to what I’m doing wrong, here?
do you need the label or only the value? i think $value is enough
echo wp_get_attachment_image( $row['image'], $value );
if that didnt work:
did it work when you define size directly? just to get sure that your wp_get_attachment_image is correct.
Thanks for your reply. I gave your suggestion a try and no luck. I also tested out whether defining directly worked and it does (I dropped ‘prev-landscape in and the images rendered at the correct size).
Seems as if my choice of how I set the repeater up was causing the issue. I had success with the below code:
if( have_rows('grid') ):
while( have_rows('grid') ): the_row();
$image = get_sub_field('image');
$value = get_sub_field('image_size');
echo '<div>';
echo wp_get_attachment_image( $image, $value );
echo '</div>';