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Select image from local folder & create media library category in image gallery

  • I’m bulding a site where a lot of posts will have one or more associated image gallery custom field. It means I’ll have to deal with thousands of uploaded images.
    Right now the same site is made in Jommla, and that gallery custom fields are managed by using a component that automatically creates a subfolder in image folder (the name contains the article ID to make it unique) and upload there the gallery related images in one shot.
    Is there a way to make the same process in WordPress using ACF and eventually a Media Library plugin?
    When using the ACF image gallery custom field, right now you must pic the image from the local filesystem, than upload it to the media library and select it as part of the gallery.
    I would like to:
    1) pic all images that will belong to the gallery, without uploading it one by one
    2) upload all them to a media library subfolder when saving the article: the subfolder will be created by using a unique name (ie using the post ID as part of the subfolder name).
    Can you please suggest me a possible solution?
    Please, feel free to ask me more details if needed.
    Thank you in advance

  • 1) ACF already handles this. You can select multiple images to be uploaded, the will all be uploaded and selected/added to the gallery.

    2) You need to change the path using a WP filter, see and

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