I have a frontend form where I allow users to create new posts (including selecting tags and adding new tags). I have added the Taxonomy post_tag
field and allowed saving and loading new terms. I want to achieve the following:
— User searches for a tag
– If the tag exists, it is found and can be added
– If the tag doesn’t exist, add the term user typed in as a new tag
Basically, the same way tags are added in WordPress from wp-admin (and how tags are added when posting a thread in this forum). ACF displays a separate button that opens a popup where new tags can be added and this is completely confusing and impractical to use.
I want to have one field that searches existing tags and adds new tags if they don’t already exist. I’ve seen other plugins using select2 search implement this, but I’m not sure how I would achieve the same effect with ACF.
I would appreciate if anybody could help me figure this out!
Have you figured out how to achieve this?