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Search page using custom fields

  • Hi all,
    This may have been covered elsewhere but I couldn’t find it so here goes…
    I am new to ACF (looks great so far) and was wondering if anybody knows a simple way to create a search page that uses the custom fields that I have added to my posts.
    To clarify, I have added a number of custom fields to posts (all posts have the same fields but have different values) and now I want to have a page where a user can see all the custom fields and select which values are of interest to him/her. All posts matching the combination of values entered would then appear on a search results page. For example, all posts have a checkbox that indicates whether the restaurant talked about in the post allows smoking or not. On the search page the user could then check the smoking checkbox to see all restaurants that allow smoking.
    Any simple way of achieving this? Extra plugin(s) perhaps? If no simple way, how would I do it?
    Thanks in advance for your help.

  • Hello !

    I’m looking for the same thing..
    Thank a lot to this plug in which allow to create customised fields but now I have to include a Search Filter whith these field.
    I’m creating a website which allow users to add their own home in order to exchange them with other. So my wish is be able to set some parameters like price and type of house according to users and after be able to search by this parameter.
    Is that possible ?
    I’m looking at the plug in Search & Filter which says

    Works with Advanced Custom Fields

    But how can we do ?

    Thank a lot for your attention and sorry I’m French..

  • Hi @feyrisa,

    Thanks a lot for reaching out.

    Here is a plugin that I have tested and its working fine with advanced custom fields.

    Hope this helps.

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