I have a custom post type built for my client. In every entry there is lots of fields using the AFC-fields – of course 😉
But the problem is that inside taht custom post type in /wp-admin – there is no way to search for text that is used in the entries.
Is there a way to tackle this in a good way?
AN EXTRA BONUS would be if there was a way to filter all custom post types according to AFC-fields, as in checkboxes etc.
Hi @hejamartin
Just to clarify, are you talking about the wp-admin listing page where you can see all posts and see data in columns?
If so, you can customize these columns by using this plugin:
As for the search, I’m not sure how you would add this. For now, this functionality does not exist
Yes, I am talking about that wp-admin listing page.
I am using the Admin Columns plugin, and that one works well.
My client would like to search for texts sometimes that are in “text”-“textarea”-fields – because there are more than 200 entries already.
The optin now would perhaps be to build a front-end page, or to restrict the usage of textareas and move “keywords” more to more controlled fields like in radiobuttons or categories etc.
But the ideal solution would that the search-form in /wp-admin/’s custom posts listings should go through the entries as expected.
Thanks for your response, I can understand that this is nothing that you will look more into. But if you do take a look at how the wordpress-search can search entries with AFC-fields, then please do ;
Hi @hejamartin
I am confident that a google search will reveal many tutorials of adding in custom search filters to the column edit page.
You could code this yourself and add in the functionality to search posts via the custom field value typed in.
Good luck