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Search in 3 different custom posts using 3 diferent custom fields

  • Hello, I have this 3 custom posts that I want to search and filter, so far I have not found a good way to search.

    -band (relationship, created using ACF)
    -place (relationship, created using ACF)

    -music_type(custom taxonomy, similar to posts categories, created using CTP UI)

    -location (Radio Button, created using ACF, list of places)

    Now, I would like to search all the events of a location and of a music_type.

    Is this possible?

    Maybe I’m doing something wrong or in the free version of ACF this is not an available functionality.

  • you need to code it custom with php if you want to build a complex search for your frontend

  • Relationship fields are stored as an array of post IDs, so you will need the ID of the place you want to search for.

    A radio field holds a text value.

    $meta_query = array(
      // relationship field => ID values
        'key' => 'relationship_field_name',
        'value' => '"'.$post_id.'"',
        'compare' => 'LIKE'
      // radio field
        'key' => 'radio_field_name',
        'value => $location
  • First of all, thanks for your answer.

      // relationship field => ID values
        'key' => 'relationship_field_name',
        'value' => '"'.$post_id.'"',
        'compare' => 'LIKE'

    lets suppose that there is a posts with IDs 16, 161, 616 and the post that I want to search is 16, wouldn’t this search cause problems? By problems I mean giving wrong results back.

    I also think that it is not a good practice to store the ids in a serialized array, so I’m working on a code that stores data adding each ID separated, but I would like to know your opinion. Thanks again John.

  • That is why there are double quotes around the post ID your are searching for. ACF saves the post IDs in the serialized array as strings.

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