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Search by "user" field syntax?

  • Hey all!

    I have a custom post type using the ACF “user” field to allow you to select a target user (it is a todo task, so it already has an “author”).

    I need to be able to do a get_posts for this if I know a user ID, but no syntax seems to work, and the user field is undocumented.

    For example, this doesn’t work…

            $posts = get_posts(array(
                'numberposts' => -1,
                'post_type' => 'example_type',
                'meta_key' => 'target_user',
                'meta_value' => $current_user->ID

    Any ideas?

  • Hi @soulhuntre

    Your code looks good, make sure all the follow are correct:
    1. $current_user->ID is valid data (print_r it to debug)
    2. check postmeta table and find a value that your field has stored. What does the data look like. Is it a single ID? or is it an array?
    3. print_r the result of $posts. What do you get?

  • Hi Elliot,

    I have almost the same question but using the Repeater Field.
    The Repeater Field slug is “membres_du_groupe” and inside there is the user “membre”.

    The issue is that the post_meta is like :

    membres_du_groupe_2_membre ...

    Could you help me with this?

    Thanks very much

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