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Saving specific group to other acf-json folder

  • hi, I’ve developed a mastertheme which I use for a group of clients wherefor i’m creating a childtheme for every new site they need. This runs on a multisite envoirment. The mastertheme has a flexible content pagebuilder embeded with PHP, so when updated, every client has the most recent version.

    Now I want to manage this with the acf json sync, but when developing a childtheme and making changes to the pagebuilder it’s being saved to the acf-json folder in the childthemes folder.

    Is it possible to set a specific savefolder for one or more specific groups and is it possible that the childtheme also checks the acf-json folder from the mastertheme?

    While typing I think there will also be another issue because there’s no autosync from an update json file uploaded with FTP to the wordpress site.

    Is there a solution for this or is it better to keep using an embeded PHP file within the mastertheme?

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