Hi there, can anyone tell me how to query a custom field and then save it in a cookie. Below is a snippet I use for the default permalink… not sure how to go about getting an ACF field.
Snippet for permalink:
$page_url = get_permalink($post->ID);
$url_cookie = "lp_permalink";
setcookie($url_cookie, $page_url, time() + (86400 * 30), "/");
What I have hacked up for the custom field:
$page_title = get_field('content_heading')->the_field('content_heading');
$title_cookie = "lp_title";
setcookie($title_cookie, $page_title, time() + (86400 * 30), "/");
As is evident, I’m no PHP guy… but I gave it my best shot.. can someone help?
My field name is “content_heading”
$page_title = get_field('content_heading')->the_field('content_heading');
$page_title = get_field('content_heading');
Awesome.. I was so close. Thanks for that. Sorry it took me a while to come back here!