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Save relationship field after selected

  • Hello, I wonder if it is possible to save my relationship field just immediately after choosing. I need to get the post title in relationship before saving the post. Can you help me?

    thank you

  • Hi @shingo-san

    It is not possible to save an ACF value via AJAX after a selection is made at the moment.

    Can you please elaborate more on the second part?
    I need to get the post title in relationship before saving the post.

    What do you mean by this? Is it possible to use jQuery to look at the relationship field and pick out the title?

  • I use a custom post type “profile” and another “card”. The first allows you to add information about a cosplay (username, first name, date of birth, profile picture, etc..). Thereafter, another custom post type “gallery-cosplay”, allows me to add galleries for each cosplay. You can see an example at:

    So I wrote two functions. The first allows you to change the title of the gallery with the nickname and the name of the gallery:

     add_action('save_post', 'modify_post_title');
    	function modify_post_title($post_id) {
    		 if ( defined('DOING_AUTOSAVE') && DOING_AUTOSAVE ) 
    		 if ( ! wp_is_post_revision( $post_id ) ) {
    		 if('cosplay-gallery' == get_post_type($post_id) && get_field('card', $post_id)) {
    		 	foreach(get_field('card') as $post_object) {
    				$value = get_field('pseudo', $post_object->ID);
    				$post_title = $value.' : '.get_field('gallery_name', $post_id);
    		 if('acf' != get_post_type($post_id)) {
    		 if ($post_title == '') { $post_title = $_POST['post_title'];}
    		 remove_action('save_post', 'modify_post_title');
    		 $arg = array();
    				$arg['ID'] = $post_id;
    				$arg['post_title'] = $post_title;
    				wp_update_post( $arg );
    				add_action('save_post', 'modify_post_title');

    The second is to change the permalink:

     function append_slug($data) {
        global $post_id;
        if('cosplay-gallery' == get_post_type($post_id) && get_field('card', $post_id)) {
    		foreach(get_field('card') as $post_object) {
    		$value = get_field('pseudo', $post_object->ID);
    		$slug = $value.' : '.get_field('gallery_name', $post_id);
    		if ($data['post_name'] != $slug) {
            $data['post_name'] = sanitize_title($slug, $post_ID);
    } else {
    	if ($data['post_name'] != $data['post_title']) {
            $data['post_name'] = sanitize_title($data['post_title'], $post_ID);
     return $data;

    For now, I must save a draft for it to work. Moreover, when I upload images of cosplay, they are renamed “$pseudo.’-‘. $gallery.’-‘.45646.jpg”. If I do not save the draft, it is impossible to have the nickname of cosplay, or the name of the gallery because I use a custom relationship field that points to the profile and custom text field where i write the name of the gallery.

    Ditto for custom post type “card”. This allow gather all the information about a game and share them with other custom post types “review” and “preview”. So I need to retrieve the information in the custom field before they are stored in the database.

    edit: I analyzed the source code of the admin. I could see where the value to retrieve. It remains for me to understand how to use this value with jquery. Thank you!

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