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Save bug in Date Picker Field

  • With the Date Picker Field I get the follwing error when saving a page in Chrome:
    An invalid form control with name='' is not focusable.

    This is caused that the dummy input field has no name. After giving the text-input a name in the class-acf-field-date_picker.php the bug is fixed.

  • The error only occurs when the field is required and in a Repeat field.

  • Getting the exact same error with a required date field in a repeater. Giving the text input a name is indeed the fix. Can this be integrated in the next ACF-version?

  • I discovered that giving the field a name looks like it is fixed, but the Date field does not get saved. I now work-around it by making the field not required.

  • That’s weird. When I save the page the values do reappear.

  • I ran into the same issue.
    It shows an empty name attribute, but has a required attribute on a hidden input element. I think it’s Chrome trying to focus on something that is hidden and a empty name attribute.

    My workaround was the same, I ended up making those date fields in the Repeater field NOT required. That resolved the issue. Chrome can not let the post update.

  • I had the same issue. Repeater with a required text field and a required date picker field. I did also have a separate required text field. I made them all not required which allowed me to update the page.

  • This is solved in the latest update 5.7.9. Thanks Elliot!

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