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Save ACF repeater group injected into existing WP Job Manager submit job form

  • I’m injecting and ACF Pro field group into an existing WP Job Manager job submission form:

     * Inject ACF fields into route submission form.
     * This example uses the WP Job Manager Field Editor hook 
     * field to fire job_manager_field_actionhook_prefix_acf_repeater
     * @param array $field settings for field
     * @param string $key field key 
    add_action( 'job_manager_field_actionhook_prefix_acf_repeater', 'prefix_acf_repeater', 10, 2 );
    function prefix_acf_repeater( $field, $key ) {
    	// We only want to add this on the front end. 
    	// The back end does not need custom display and saving.
    	if ( is_admin() ) {
    	 // Insert ACF group field
    	 acf_form( [
    		 'new_post' => true,
    		 'post_id' => 'new_post', // Prevent old form values from being persistent
    		 'fields'=> [ 'field_5c9bf22960ed8'],
    		'return' => '', // No return value for WPJM compat. //
    		'form' => false,
    		'honeypot' => false,
    	] );

    I am not calling acf_form_head() because it conflicts with the WP Job Manager submission process. I am however, enqueueing acf_enqueue_scripts() so that the JS and CSS are loaded.

    add_action( 'init', 'prefix_acf_enqueue_scripts_manually', 1 );
    function prefix_acf_enqueue_scripts_manually() {

    I’ve created a callback function for save_post_job_listing (code at the end of this post) which allows me to look at $_POST and save my repeater fields, but this required building a complex custom save function which will break if the field structure is modified.

    Does ACF have a built in function that will allow me to manually trigger the saving of this group field? Or alternatively a more straight forward way of getting ACF and WPJM to work together?

    Here’s the custom save function:

    add_action( 'save_post_job_listing', 'prefix_save_group');
    function prefix_save_group( $post_id ) {
    	$fields = [];
    	$fields['days'] = [
    		'id'   => 'field_5c9bf22960ed8',
    		'name' => '_tsr_route_days'
    	$fields['stops'] = [
    		'id'   => 'field_5c9bf22962649',
    		'name' => 'stops'
    	$fields['stop_name'] = [
    		'id'   => 'field_5c9bf229635e9',
    		'name' => 'stop_name'
    	$fields['day_notes'] = [
    		'id'   => 'field_5c9bf25a6c3e0',
    		'name' => 'day_notes'
    	// Get array of days data from $_POST
    	$days_data = isset( $_POST['acf'][ $fields['days']['id'] ] )
    		? $_POST['acf'][ $fields['days']['id'] ]
    		: null;
    	// Bail if we have no data.	
    	if ( null === $days_data ) {
    	// Day repeater (stores number of rows)
    	$days_data_count = count( $days_data );
    	$meta_key = $fields['days']['name'];
    	update_post_meta( $post_id, '_' . $meta_key, $fields['days']['id'] );
    	update_post_meta( $post_id, $meta_key,       $days_data_count );
    	// Loop through days data and save it.
    	$day_counter = 0;
    	// Days
    	foreach ( $days_data as $day ) {
    		// Day
    		foreach ( $day as $day_field => $day_field_value ) {
    			// Day Stops
    			if ( $day_field === $fields['stops']['id'] ) {
    				// Number of stops
    				$stops = $day_field_value;
    				$stops_count = count( $stops );
    				$meta_key = $fields['days']['name'] . '_' .
    										$day_counter . '_' .
    				update_post_meta( $post_id, '_' . $meta_key, $day_field );
    				update_post_meta( $post_id, $meta_key,       $stops_count );
    				$stop_counter = 0;
    				// Stop fields
    				foreach ( $stops as $stop ) {
    					// Stop field
    					foreach ( $stop as $stop_field => $stop_value ) {
    						// Stop Name
    						if ( $stop_field === $fields['stop_name']['id'] ) {
    							$meta_key = $fields['days']['name']  . '_' .
    													$day_counter . '_' .
    													$fields['stops']['name'] . '_' .
    													$stop_counter . '_' .
    							update_post_meta( $post_id, '_' . $meta_key, $stop_field );
    							update_post_meta( $post_id, $meta_key,       $stop_value );
    						// Stop Notes
    						if ( $stop_field === $fields['stop_notes']['id'] ) {
    							$meta_key = $fields['days']['name']  . '_' .
    													$day_counter . '_' .
    													$fields['stops']['name'] . '_' .
    													$stop_counter . '_' .
    							update_post_meta( $post_id, '_' . $meta_key, $stop_field );
    							update_post_meta( $post_id, $meta_key,       $stop_value );
    				} // Day stop
    			} // Day stops
    			// Day Notes
    			if ( $day_field === $fields['day_notes']['id'] ) {
    				$meta_key = $fields['days']['name'] . '_' .
    										$day_counter . '_' .
    				update_post_meta( $post_id, '_' . $meta_key, $day_field );
    				update_post_meta( $post_id, $meta_key,       $day_field_value );
    			}	// Day notes		
    		} // Day
    	} // Days
  • Just following up…

    I figured out that triggering do_action( 'acf/save_post', $post_id ); is the key. This means that creating a custom save function is not necessary.

    add_filter( 'job_manager_update_job_data', 'my_acf_save_repeater_data', 10, 2 );
    function my_acf_save_repeater_data( $post_id, $route_data ) {
    	do_action( 'acf/save_post', $post_id );
    	return $route_data;
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