Dear all,
I am a happy user of ACF PRO. However, I am wondering if it is possible to store revisions of the custom fields. For me, the entries in custom fields have the same value as the main text of a post. Therefore I would wish that the content of each field would be saved together with the revision of post and to be available in the wordpress revisions comparison.
Probably I’m looking for something as described here (but I would have probably to code that for each field I use). Is such functionality already included in ACF? Wouldn’t it be a general great feature to give each field the option to be stored along the revisions?
Thank you for any help in advance,
my understanding is that the post meta is being save in revisions. If I browse the revisions of a post that has ACF fields I can see the changes to these fields in the different revisions.
Dear John,
You are so right! Somehow I did not notice, that the field revisions are actually saved in revisions. Maybe it is because they look so much like the default WordPress fields and also, because the fields are not show, if they haven’t been changed between the revisions.