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Reusing flex layout multiple times on one page

  • I have a ‘flexible-content’ field called coaching_flex_sections.
    In here I have a ‘layout’ called flex_coaching_details.

    I want to be able to use that layout multiple times in different places on one page.
    So in the page editor, I added this layout block 6 times.

    It is outputting the 6 blocks, but reapeated six times, like so:

    Title One
    Title One
    Title One
    Title One
    Title One
    Title One

    Title Two
    Title Two
    Title Two
    Title Two
    Title Two
    Title Two

    and so on down to Title Six…

    Can someone explain to me where I have gone wrong as I can’t quite get my head around this.
    Here is my code:

    Flex template for the page, pulls each block depending on the name:

    Template Name: Coaching (Flex Layout)
    	if( have_rows('coaching_flex_sections') ):
    	$sections = get_field( 'coaching_flex_sections' );
    	<div class="coaching flex-sections">
    			while( have_rows('coaching_flex_sections') ): the_row();
    				// while( have_posts() ): the_post();
    					// Loop through flexible fields and load the respective file for each.
    					foreach( $sections as $i => $section ) {
    						$part = get_stylesheet_directory() . '/_template-parts/flex-layout/sections/' . $section['acf_fc_layout'] . '.php';
    						if ( file_exists( $part ) ) {
    							include( $part );
    						} else {
    							echo '<!-- Error: No such flexible field type "'. esc_html($section['acf_fc_layout']) .' at '. esc_html($part) .'" -->';
    				// endwhile;
    <?php endif; ?>

    Layout template:

    	if ( !isset($section) ) die('Must be accessed through flex-layout.php');
    	// Fields used by this section with default values
    	$f = shortcode_atts(array(
    		'content_appearance' => null,
    		'content' => null,
    	), $section, 'custom-layout');
    	// Extra classes to use on the container
    	$classes = array();
    	$classes[] = 'appearance-' . $f['content_appearance'];
    	// Render the section
    	aa_flex_layout_section_start($section, $i, $classes);
    	<?php if( get_row_layout() == 'flex_coaching_details' ): ?>
    		<!-- flex section content start -->
    		<?php $coaching_details_subheading = get_sub_field('flex_coaching_details_subheading'); ?>
    		<?= ($coaching_details_subheading)? '<h2 class="heading">' . $coaching_details_subheading . '</h2>' : ''; ?>
    		<!-- flex section content end -->
    	<?php endif; ?>

    Many thanks

  • How can I render a block multiple times within a view in a twig template?

    Template Name: Coaching (Flex Layout)
      if( have_rows('coaching_flex_sections') ):
      // not needed
      //$sections = get_field( 'coaching_flex_sections' );
      <div class="coaching flex-sections">
          while( have_rows('coaching_flex_sections') ): the_row();
            // while( have_posts() ): the_post();
              // Loop through flexible fields and load the respective file for each.
              // double loop over rows -- remove
              // foreach( $sections as $i => $section ) {
                // change to get_row_layout()
                $part = get_stylesheet_directory().'/_template-parts/flex-layout/sections/'.get_row_layout().'.php';
                if ( file_exists( $part ) ) {
                  include( $part );
                } else {
                  echo '<!-- Error: No such flexible field type "'. esc_html($section['acf_fc_layout']) .' at '. esc_html($part) .'" -->';
              // } // end of nested double loop - remove
            // endwhile;
    <?php endif; ?>
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