Hi there, I’m using a custom field of type “Date Time Picker” with the Return Format set to F j, Y g:i a (January 13, 2022 6:00 pm). However, the date is displaying on the page as “2022-01-13 18:00:00”. To display the custom field on the page, I’m using Ele Custom Skin.
I’ve been reading the tutorials and documentation, and I understand the php needed to alter the format manually. I just don’t know which specific files to add that code to, or if that’s even necessary. Shouldn’t the Return Format take care of it?
Thanks so much in advance.
The format settings of an ACF field are only applied when using an ACF function to display the value.
I have no idea what “Ele Custom Skin” is but it is displaying the value that is stored in the database, so it is not using an ACF function to do this.
You need to figure out how to use an ACF field in whatever it is that you are using and for that you need to consult the documentation for that application.
Thanks John! I’ll check with Ele Custom Skin.