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I have a repeater where each row has an expiration date.
I would like to show only 3 rows where the items have not expired.
My code so far:`
<?php date_default_timezone_set( ‘America/Los_Angeles’ );
$today = date( ‘Ymd’ );
if ( have_rows( ‘events’, 2006 ) ):
while ( have_rows( ‘events’,
2006 ) ) : the_row();
$expire = get_sub_field( ‘expire_on’,
2006 );
if ( $expire > $today ):
<li class=”eventrow event<?php echo get_row_index(); ?>”>
<h3><a target=”_blank”
href=”<?php the_sub_field( ‘events_link’,
2006 ); ?>”><?php the_sub_field( ‘events_title’,
2006 ); ?></a></h3>
<p><?php the_sub_field( ‘events_date’,
2006 ); ?> <br>
<em> <?php the_sub_field( ‘events_location’,
2006 ); ?> </em></p>
<?php endif; endwhile; endif; ?>`
I know that my method of hiding expired rows is not ideal.. show me how to do it better?
Hi @mrspabs
Below is some code cleaned up a bit. I am assuming that 2006 is your Post ID? You don’t need to pass that to sub fields of your repeater, but it doesn’t hurt.
I just added an extra bit to the ‘while’ statement making sure to only loop 3 times. I created the iteration variable just above the while statement with a value of 0. I then increment that value at the end of the while. Hope this helps! Please mark this thread as resolved if so, otherwise please reply with more questions.
date_default_timezone_set( 'America/Los_Angeles' );
$today = date( 'Ymd' );
if ( have_rows( 'events', 37 ) ) {
$i = 0;
while ( have_rows( 'events', 37 ) && $i<4 ) {
$expire = get_sub_field( 'expire_on' );
if ( $expire > $today ) {
<li class="eventrow event<?php echo get_row_index(); ?>">
<a target="_blank" href="<?php the_sub_field( 'events_link' ); ?>">
<?php the_sub_field( 'events_title' ); ?>
<?php the_sub_field( 'events_date' ); ?><br />
<em><?php the_sub_field( 'events_location' ); ?></em>
p.s. Thanks for teaching me about the get_row_index() function!
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