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Retrieve multiple checkbox values outside foreach loop

  • I am trying to get all the checkboxed values of a field group. For my purposes I need a foreach loop to be outside of where I’m calling the variable.

    $disciplines = get_field("form_disciplines");
    if( $disciplines ):
    foreach ($disciplines as $discipline) {					
    $output_map[$the_ID]['map'] = '<div class="marker" data-lat="'.$location['lat'].'" data-lng="'.$location['lng'].'">

    If the user had checked multiple boxes, this code only returns the first checkboxed item for each. I need it return all check marked boxes. Any pointers greatly appreciated.

  • You won’t be able to output all of them unless they are in your loop. I’m not sure what your initial $discipline; call is as well as the one within your loop. You’re not doing anything with it there.

    You’ll need something like this:

    $output_map[$the_ID]['map'] = '<div class="marker" data-lat="'.$location['lat'].'" data-lng="'.$location['lng'].'"></div>';
    $disciplines = get_field("form_disciplines");
    // $discipline; not sure what this is?
    if( $disciplines ):
    foreach ($disciplines as $discipline) {         
        echo '<p>' . $discipline . '</p>';

    Your map marker output doesn’t include any of the code in your loop so you can put it before or after your foreach loop depending on where you need it.

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