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Reset while has_sub_field

  • Hello
    Im pulling some Yoast SEO meta from a repeater field – if it exists. The problem is that Yoast calls the filter twice (adds the meta two places) and break does not reset the while loop. So adding this to my functions.php

    function wpseo_custom_description( $title ) {
        if(empty($title)) {
            while(has_sub_field("content_type")) {
                if(get_row_layout() == "text") {
                    $title = get_sub_field('text');
                    $title = getplaintextintrofromhtml($title, 156);
        return $title;
    // This filter gets called twice
    add_filter( 'wpseo_metadesc', 'wpseo_custom_description');

    Returns the first “text” field and the the “second” text field. And what i would like is to get the “first” text field returned twice.

    Can someone help me to reset the data in the while loop?

    Thanks a lot!

  • Add reset_rows(); after the while loop

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