Hello. Great plugin that is almost working perfectly. I’ll submit each problem as a separate topic.
Required fields functions is not working. I can successfully add fields and have them display properly on a page. My problem is that none of the fields that I configure as “required” behave as required fields. The user is still able to skip these fields and submit the form. Is there something else I need to configure for this to work other than configuring the field during field creation?
Hi @jimario
Where are you saving the fields? On a post, or somewhere else like a user?
Please check your console log for any JS errors on the page load / submission of the form.
I am saving the fields from within user-edit.php when editing a user profile.
This is the error I’m getting in the error console:
TypeError: e is undefined
Line 13
Hi @jimario
Thanks, I’ll look into it shortly.
We’re you able to make any headway on this?
I have the same issue – front-end form with required fields saves with the fields empty. No errors in the console.