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What is the proper way to code a function which replaces the whole the_content with formatted ACF fields? This is needed to generate proper excerpts, RSS texts etc.
I use several smaller texts surrounded with formatted code – it’s like using forms in the admin. The original text input area remains empty, I changed the content-post.php, which looks good, but breaks some wp functionality, like excerpt generation, rss texts, etc. I guess the proper way should be using a function or filter to replace the_content or post_content.
I made something like this – still not the right code.
function new_filter_content($content) {
if( is_single() && is_main_query() ) {
if(get_field('what')) {$new_content .= 'blah' . get_field('what') . 'blah';}
if(get_field('where')) {$new_content .= 'blah' . get_field('where') . 'blah';}
$content = $new_content;}
return $content;}
add_filter('the_content', 'new_filter_content');
Ah okay ..
Well I think this should do it..just change some of the content for your own!
function my_acf_save_post( $post_id ){
if(get_post_type($post_id) == 'your specific post type'){ //just for good measure so it doesn't run on unnecessery posttypes
// vars
$fields = false;
// load from post
if( isset($_POST['fields']) ){
$fields = $_POST['fields'];
$new_content = '';
//add all of your content to $new_content
$new_content .= 'blah'. $fields['fieldname']['value'] . 'blah'; //not sure if Im getting the fieldvalues correctly
// Update post
$my_post = array(
'ID' => $post_id,
'post_content' => $new_content
// Update the post into the database
wp_update_post( $my_post );
// run after ACF saves the $_POST['fields'] data
add_action('acf/save_post', 'my_acf_save_post', 20);
EDIT: I think this might result in an infinite loop.. if so try this instead:
function my_acf_save_post( $post_id ){
if(get_post_type($post_id) == 'your specific post type'){ //just for good measure so it doesn't run on unnecessery posttypes
// vars
$fields = false;
// load from post
if( isset($_POST['fields']) ){
$fields = $_POST['fields'];
$new_content = '';
//add all of your content to $new_content
$new_content .= 'blah'. $fields['fieldname']['value'] . 'blah'; //not sure if Im getting the fieldvalues correctly
// Update post
$my_post = array(
'ID' => $post_id,
'post_content' => $new_content
// Update the post into the database
remove_action('acf/save_post', 'my_acf_save_post', 20);
wp_update_post( $my_post );
add_action('acf/save_post', 'my_acf_save_post', 20);
// run after ACF saves the $_POST['fields'] data
add_action('acf/save_post', 'my_acf_save_post', 20);
Thanks, almost there, the blahs appeared in the_content. I am not sure what I have to replace in the code, when using my real ACF field names, they do not show.
$new_content .= 'blah'. $fields['what'] . 'blah';
Well first you’ll want to replace
if(get_post_type($post_id) == 'your specific post type'){
“your specific post type” with the actual post type slug.
Then you want to add in all of your fields in the right order to the new_content variable:
$new_content .= 'this is the beginning of the content and heres my first field'. $fields['fieldname']['value'] . '. Doesnt it look marvelous!';
$new_content .= ' Here's some more stuff added on to the content:'. $fields['fieldname']['value'] . ' and ' . $fields['fieldname']['value'];
The problem is that I don’t know what the $fields variable look like so in order for you to find out you can do this:
put it right after
$fields = $_POST['fields'];
when you save a post you’ll get a blank screen with the values of $fields.
Edit: I had to take out the apostrophes… Everything works fine now.
$new_content .= 'blah'. $fields[field_51bde56567f28] . 'blah';
Many thanks!
You’re welcome 🙂
Perhaps you could set the proper correct answer. I help people out to give back but it’s also nice to get acknowledged for it 🙂
Just one more thing, I noticed an odd behaviour when I updated the previous posts manually. Sometimes the content totally disappeared from the page (while still there in the admin). When trying to restore it from the revisions, it seemed like a few minutes after my manual update there was one more, totally blank save. Strange enough…
Most likely post revisions messing with the code. Add this right at the beginning of your function
if (wp_is_post_revision( $post_id ) ){ return false; }Â
Works just perfectly now. Thanks for the help.
(btw – I don’t remember if I marked my own answer as the solution, I just used the checkbox above the submit. How can I undo this?)
No problem 🙂
Honestly I have no idea how to undo it.. I’ve never made a question here myself =P
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