is it possible to replace the returned value of a radio button by an image please ?
Exemple for difficulty level.
In admin / radio field creation :
Very simple : very simple
Simple : simple
Normal : Normal
And the returned result in front for :
“Very simple” is : one star (a picture of one star)
“Simple” is : two star (picture of two stars)
“Normal” is : three star (picture of three stars)
Hi @Manuc
Yes, this is an easy task that you can accomplish with the following code:
$map = array(
'Very simple' => 'url/to/image.jpg',
'Simple' => 'url/to/image.jpg',
'Normal' => 'url/to/image.jpg',
$value = get_field('field_name');
$image = $map[ $value ];
<img src="<?php echo $image; ?>" />
Many thanks to you Elliot !!