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Repeaters have_rows has no value…

  • Having some REPEATER field issues. The “have_rows” function doesn’t see to be working. Below is my code, with some comment tags for testing. The first comment just outputs “<!– side_feature: –>, so I know that there is some problem with getting the values. The rest of the code doesn’t run because the next IF statement doesn’t register any value.

    I checked the field names, and they are all correct (so I don’t see any typo issue). There are definitely values entered when I EDIT the page – So, the issue isn’t in the PAGE administration.

    I also checked and saw that I am running the most recent versions of the plugin, and WordPress.

    Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

    <div class="sidebox">
        <!-- side_feature: <?php if( have_rows('side_feature') ) { echo 'yes'; } ?> -->
        if( have_rows('side_feature') ): 
            ?><!-- Feature --><?php
            while( have_rows('side_feature') ): the_row(); 
            $side_feature_txt = get_sub_field('side_feature_txt');
            $side_feature_url = get_sub_field('side_feature_url');
            $side_feature_img_field = get_sub_field('side_feature_img');
                $size = "medium"; // (thumbnail, medium, large, full or custom size)
                $side_feature_img  = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $side_feature_img_field, $size );
            <div class="side-feat">
                <?php if($side_feature_txt!='') { ?>
                    <?php if($side_feature_url!='') { ?><a href="<?php echo $side_feature_url; ?>"><?php } ?>
                        <div class="side-feat-txt"><?php echo $side_feature_txt; ?></div> 
                        <div class="side-feat-txtbox"></div>    
                    <?php if($side_feature_url!='') { ?></a><?php } ?>
                <?php } ?>
                <?php if($side_feature_img!='') { ?>
                    <?php if($side_feature_url!='') { ?><a href="<?php echo $side_feature_url; ?>"><?php } ?>
                    <div class="side-feat-img" style="background:url('<?php echo $side_feature_img[0]; ?>');">
                            <?php if($side_feature_url!='') { ?><a href="<?php echo $side_feature_url; ?>"><?php } ?>
                            <img src="<?php echo $side_feature_img[0]; ?>" width="360" height="150" />
                            <?php if($side_feature_url!='') { ?></a><?php } ?>
                    <?php if($side_feature_url!='') { ?></a><?php } ?>
                <?php } ?>
            </div><!-- END .side-feat -->
            endwhile; // End While
  • Hi @jabbamonkey

    Can you please debug your data like so:

    echo '<pre>';
    	print_r( get_field('side_feature') );
    echo '</pre>';
    die; ?>

    What do you see?

    Is it possible that ACF does not know which post to load the data from?
    Where are you using this code?
    Does get_the_ID() return the correct post’s ID in the same area as your code?


  • The output is only


    I know it’s not an ID issue, since the page is loading other values from ACF on the page.

    I also used get_post_meta to see the values in the database for side_feature …

    `[side_feature_0_side_feature_img] => Array
    [0] => 50633

    [_side_feature_0_side_feature_img] => Array
    [0] => field_530b8c7eb5ff4

    [side_feature_0_side_feature_txt] => Array
    [0] => Ridgewood

    [_side_feature_0_side_feature_txt] => Array
    [0] => field_530b8c9cb5ff5

    [side_feature_0_side_feature_url] => Array
    [0] =>

    [_side_feature_0_side_feature_url] => Array
    [0] => field_530b8cb5b5ff6

    [side_feature] => Array
    [0] => 2

    [_side_feature] => Array
    [0] => field_530b8c5eb5ff3

  • Hi @jabbamonkey

    The data definitely exists thanks to your debug above.
    Is there anything special about your code that I am not aware of?
    Is this all in an action / filter? Or a normal page template file?
    Do you have any filters running on the repeater field which could be clearing the value.


  • This reply has been marked as private.
  • Discovered why our issue is happening. It’s because we call register_field_group() on the backend but not the frontend so the acf-field cpt entry is not detected.

    in /api/api-field.php in the _acf_get_field_by_key() method it users a get_posts query that looks for the custom field, but it’s not added in.

    So get_rows for repeater fields depends on the custom fields being in the db, where as get_field() does not.

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