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Repeater with required subfields not saving

  • …actually, not triggering save form at all.

    I tried the following combinations:
    – Repeater required, subfield required = not triggering form save
    – Repeater required, subfield not required = not triggering form save
    – Repeater optional, subfield required – not triggering form save
    – Repeater optiona, subfield options – form save works

    However, I need the subfield to be required – am I doing something wrong?

    Also, what’s the purpose of a repeater field being ‘required’?

  • ahh… I apologize for this, it’s slightly irrelevant to the repeater field after, but thought I’d post the solution anyway just in case someone else is exhausted like me and can’t figure out the solution.

    I had enabled parsley validation, and due to the way the repeater element works, it was expecting validation from the hidden acf-clone element…

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