I’m using the following code successfully to show all of my degrees listed in a comma delimited list:
<?php if( get_field('degrees') ) {
while ( have_rows('degrees') ) : the_row();
$array[] = get_sub_field('degree_select');
$foo = implode(', ', array_column($array, 'label'));
echo '<span class"">, ' . $foo . '</span>';
…however I want to be able to limit which ones I show in my comma delimited list by using a True/False checkbox. Here is what the backend looks like:

You’ll see that ONLY 2 have been checked to display.
This True/False value has the name of: degree_aftername
How can I modify my code, to only implode the ones that have been marked as TRUE?
<?php if( get_field('degrees') ) {
while ( have_rows('degrees') ) : the_row();
if (!get_sub_field('degree_aftername')) {
$array[] = get_sub_field('degree_select');
$foo = implode(', ', array_column($array, 'label'));
echo '<span class"">, ' . $foo . '</span>';
Thanks John! Worked perfectly!