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Good day,
I have a problem with using a break in a repeater field have_rows() loop.
When i use it the next repeater under need it doesn’t pass the if stament.
In the code u see the first repeater called “fights_fightcards” this needs a break so it stop looping after hitting the correct amount of results.
Under need that repeater you find the repeater called “buttons_fight_type_fightcards”. This repeater doesn’t work if I use a break in the other one. when I use a continue it while go thru and and show the button and it divs.
This is the code when it works.
<?php if(have_rows($fight_type_fightcards)){ //Check if reapter exist?>
<?php $count_fight_type = 0; //Make a count variable foreach row in the repeater?>
<?php while(have_rows($fight_type_fightcards)){ the_row(); //Go thru every result in the repeater?>
<?php $fights_fightcards = 'fights_fightcards'; // Create variable voor repeater inside other repeater?>
<?php $buttons_fight_type_fightcards = 'buttons_fight_type_fightcards';// Create variable voor repeater inside other repeater?>
<?php if($count_fight_type === 0){ //set active class on first repeater by count?>
<?php $class="col-group fights-container active"; ?>
<?php }else{ ?>
<?php $class="col-group fights-container"; ?>
<?php } ?>
<div class="<?php echo $class;?>" data-fight-container='<?php echo $count_fight_type;?>'>
<div class="col fightcards-container">
$number = 3;//Number of fields shown
$count_fight_cards = 0;//Count variable foreach resulte in next array
$total = count(get_sub_field($fights_fightcards))//Count all results from repeater;
<?php if(have_rows($fights_fightcards)){
while(have_rows($fights_fightcards)){ the_row();
if ($count_fight_cards == $number) {
} ?>
<?php if($total > $count_fight_cards){ ?>
<div class="col load-more">
<p class="load-more-button-fightcard"
data-row_index="<?php echo $row_index;?>"
data-count_fight_type="<?php echo $count_fight_type;?>"
data-offset="<?php echo $number;?>"
data-post-id="<?php echo get_the_ID();?>"
>Show Full Card
<?php } ?>
<?php $total > $count_fight_cards ? $class='col buttons': $class="col buttons active";?>
<?php if(have_rows($buttons_fight_type_fightcards)){ ?>
<div class="<?php echo $class;?>">
<?php while(have_rows($buttons_fight_type_fightcards)){ the_row();?>
<?php $button = get_sub_field('button');?>
<?php if($button){ ?>
<?php if($button['url'] && $button['title']){ ?>
<?php if($button['target']){ ?>
<?php $target = '_blank';?>
<?php }else{?>
<?php $target = '_self';?>
<?php } ?>
<div class="button">
<a href="<?php echo $button['url'];?>" target="<?php echo $target;?>">
<?php echo $button['title'];?>
<?php } ?>
<?php } ?>
<?php } ?>
<?php } ?>
<?php $count_fight_type++; } ?>
<?php } ?>
I hope someone can help me with this problem.
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