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Repeater Fields – Conditional Logic

  • I’m creating a staff listing by using the repeater field, much like the tutorial video.

    I’ve got quite a decent number of fields, so when you repeat to add another person, you end up having to scroll a long way per staff member. (Columns doesn’t work well as a layout option, as they soon become too shallow.)

    I chose some conditional logic checkboxes to hide portions of the repeater, so that the end user can just see the sections they want to edit, not the whole lot at once.

    This works great, except when you uncheck the box to hide the chosen fields the data is wiped from them, and it doesn’t show it in the front end either.

    (For instance, I made a checkbox called ‘Modify Bio?’, which would then display the Bio text-area field.)

    Is there a way of using conditional logic to hide selections of fields in the back end, but still have them retain their data and allow them to display in the front end?

  • Hi @LingoSam

    Thanks for the question, but unfortunately this is not what the conditional logic is intended for.

    Each time you update the repeater, all the data is re-written to the DB. This is why the hidden field’s loose their data.

    Perhaps you could change your data layout to use a custom field for each user (instead of a repeater field)? This would give you better querying functionality and remove the issue of scrolling to the bottom each time.


  • Damn that’s a shame. I thought this could be the case.

    I would love the ability for my users to hide a large field when it’s not being edited in the Repeater (via checkbox / logic as above, or even just the ability to collapse to just the field’s name).

    It’s so close to being perfect for my requirements!
    Maybe I should add this as a feature request…

    Thanks Elliot.

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