I’ve recently purchased the Repeater add-on for ACF.
From testing on both WP 3.9.0 and 3.8.3, it appears that while ACF custom fields show up in the compare revisions tool, repeater fields do not display in any useful form.
The repeater field is listed but if I add a new row to the repeater, the only change listed is the number of rows. For example, if there was a single row defined and I add another one, the difference shown is that ‘1’ became ‘2’.
Are revisions supposed to be supported for repeater fields?
Same thing here.
Changing the contents in one of the repeater fields does not result in a visible change in the “diff” view of revisions.
Adding a row, with or without content, merely shows the row count increasing.
I was hoping for a complete side by side diff view including the repeater rows and content.
Is there something else I would need to implement to get that?
The feature plugin WP-Post-Meta-Revisions is what you need. With it active, changes to meta will be stored / saved as a full revision. The diffs do show, but perhaps not quite as elegantly as you’d like as they use field_key.