Hi, here is my code and this shows only one row of content. Any help will be really appreciated.
if(have_rows(‘columns_section’)) : while(have_rows(‘columns_section’)) : the_row();
$sbtn1 = get_sub_field(‘linkone’);
$sbtn2 = get_sub_field(‘linktwo’);
$sbtn3 = get_sub_field(‘linkthree’);
$sbtn4 = get_sub_field(‘linkfour’);
$link_url = $sbtn1[‘url’];
$link_url2 = $sbtn2[‘url’];
$link_url3 = $sbtn3[‘url’];
$link_url4 = $sbtn4[‘url’];
$sbtn1html = “{$sbtn1[‘title’]}“;
$sbtn2html = “{$sbtn2[‘title’]}“;
$sbtn3html = “{$sbtn3[‘title’]}“;
$sbtn4html = “{$sbtn4[‘title’]}“;
endwhile; endif;
Is is showing only one row or do you want it to show only one row?
Where are you outputting the values you’re getting from the row? This is not shown in your code.