I’m having an issue on my local WP development site where if I go into any of the custom field groups on the back end containing a repeater field I cannot add any more fields (of any kind).
If I go into the page template the custom fields are relating too the fields are still there but I can’t add anything to them.
All the content has also vanished from the front-end.
It was working just fine until I installed a plugin which encodes email addresses with javascript but I’ve tried disabling that plugin, plus all the others and re-enabling them but it still hasn’t fixed the issue.
Has anyone encountered this issue/bug before?
EDIT: On switching on the error logs this message is being displayed in place of the content
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/sitename/wp-content/plugins/acf-repeater/repeater.php on line 894
and in the admin section
Fatal error: [] operator not supported for strings in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/sitename/wp-content/plugins/acf-repeater/repeater.php on line 418
EDIT 2: Turns out that is was the plugin that caused the issues, I’ve had to delete all the custom fields and put them all back in but it seems to be okay now.
Having the same problem. Is there a fix that can be done without deleting everything?
Hi guys,
It sounds like the plugin was editing the input elements on the edit screen. This the corrupted the POST data to ACF somehow.
Sorry that you had this issue, but I’m not sure what the solution is except not to use that plugin