Hi there,
I’m using the flexible content field, and need to remove the tags that wordpress creates, but only in specific (wysiwyg) fields.
I’ve tried the solution http://support.advancedcustomfields.com/forums/topic/update-format_value_for_api-for-wp-wysiwyg/
(sorry, link button isn’t working for me?)
But as i’m using the_sub_field rather than get_field or the_field — I’m wondering if that’s the problem.
I’ve amended my code to: echo the_sub_field('text', false, false);
But I’m not even sure I’m doing it properly!
Thanks for your help.
Sorry, my bad, this was working opposite to what I thought, I had set Run filter “the_content”? to ‘no’, which I thought would work the other way round.
Thanks, anyway, loving the plugins.