Hi there,
I’m sure this is quite trivial for your but I’m not a coder eh eh…
I’ve manage to achieve what I want but I think it can be improved.
I have a checkbox field, and I want to retrieve both label and value and want to separate them with a comma. This part is working fine. However, I want to remove the comma from the last item. I can add the comma in a span and then target the last span with CSS and remove it but I want it to be better.
This is what I came up with by reading the docs and searching other topics
$plans = get_field('plans');
if ( $plans) : ?>
<?php foreach( $plans as $plan ): ?>
<a target="_blank" title="<?php echo $plan['label']; ?>" href="<?php echo $plan['value']; ?>"><?php echo $plan['label']; ?></a><span>,</span>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
$plans = get_field('plans');
if ($plans) {
$lines = array();
foreach ($plans as $plan) {
$lines[] = '<a target="_blank" title="'.$plan['label'].
'" href="'.$plan['value'].'">'.$plan['label'].'</a>';
} // end foreach plan
echo implode(', ', $lines);
} // end if plans