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Remove a metabox from edit page

  • Does anyone have sample code for removing a metabox from the edit page?

    I created a custom taxonomy for my CPT and then embedded that taxonomy into the ACF form, so I want to remove the associated metabox from the edit page.

    I can’t find any sample code for accomplishing that.


  • Found it!

    /* Remove Custom Taxonomy Meta Boxes */
    function dads_remove_tax_meta() {
    	remove_meta_box( 'ad-zonesdiv', 'post', 'side' );
    add_action( 'admin_menu' , 'dads_remove_tax_meta' );
  • Correction:

    /* Remove Custom Taxonomy Meta Boxes */
    function dads_remove_tax_meta() {
    	remove_meta_box( 'ad-zonesdiv', 'digital-ads', 'side' );
    add_action( 'add_meta_boxes' , 'dads_remove_tax_meta' );

    “add_meta_boxes” is the better action to capture and post removes it from all post types while I can specify the post type directly.

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