I’m unable to update/remove relationship values once added and published
What could possibly be the cause?
I tested this on both current versions of ACF (4 & 5) and I’m having not problem removing relationships from the field. This could be caused by a conflict with another plugin or something in the theme. Deactivate other plugins and possibly switch to one of the default WP themes to see if you can figure out where the conflict might be.
I just tried switching to the twenty seventeen theme while disabling all plugins keeping only ACF active but the issue persists
Could you post a screenshot with the settings of the field you’ve tested? I think my conflict is with duplicate field names or incorrect setup/filters/locations
Ok I just figured out what this was all about, YITH Tab Manager seems to have caused the conflict
I disabled it and everything works perfectly smooth with the Post-2-Post plugins, but I have to keep the Tab Manager running on site
Is there any way I can troubleshoot what’s causing the conflict with YITH Tab Manager?
I would start by looking at field names on the same post types that conflict with your field name. Beyond that I couldn’t say, it could be a filter in the other plugin, but that’s just a guess.