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Relationship field value doesn't update

  • Relationship field works fine when you add items. But when you need to remove any item from list, it can be a struggle.

    The item visually is being removed from selected items list, but when you save the post, nothing changes.

    Here is some kind of workaround: remove the item, then add another item, then click on white space in gutenberg editor, then click ‘Update’ button.

    Sometimes this also do not work.

    ACF version: Pro 5.8.0-beta3
    PHP version: 7.3.0

  • Hi, I’m chiming in to say I’m also experiencing this problem. Adding and removing items from relationship fields in Gutenberg blocks is very inconsistent. I’m happy to show my code and field definitions or any other useful information that might help.


  • Yep, also experiencing this problem in ACF Pro Beta 5.8.0 beta 3.

    Initially adding posts in a block with the relationship field and updating is fine but reordering, removing and/or adding more posts does not update.

    If there is a true/false or checkbox elsewhere in the block however, triggering this after moving the order of posts around gets around the issue and updates fine

    Also have same problems with Gallery field

  • This is more then likely an issue related to gooberbug and will hopefully be resolved when 5.8 is released. Until I get word that ACF has resolved all of the issues and releases 5.8 I am using classic editor on all live sites.

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