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relationship field: parent if/else statement based on nested if statement

  • I’ve got this code:

        $classes = get_sub_field('class');
        if( $classes ):
        	foreach($classes as $post):
                $now = time(); // get today's date
                $expiry_date = strtotime(get_field('class-expiry-date')); // get the expiration date
                if ($now < $expiry_date): // compare the dates and show upcoming classes only
                <div class="class">
                    Class details
    	<?php endif; ?>
    <?php else: ?>
    There are no upcoming classes.
    <?php endif; ?>

    So I have a CPT called Classes. Via the Relationship field I’m allowing my client to hand pick classes to show on the front end. Each class has an expiry date. Within a foreach statement I set up an if statement that compares the current date with the expiry date and only shows upcoming classes. I’m trying to show a note saying “there are no upcoming classes” once all the expiry dates have passed, but it’s not working. I got it working within the foreach statement, but of course it just repeats the “no classes” note based on however many classes are selected in the back end. Is there a way for the top level if statement to check if there are any upcoming classes, and if there aren’t for it to show the “no classes” note?

    Thanks in advance!

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