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  • I want to try to create something that will let a user select a taxonomy term and then a rating to determine their proficiency in a given genre.

    To give some context, a custom post type that consists of dancers and their proficiency in ballet, jazz, contemporary dance etc.

    Right now I simply have people select the genre as a taxonomy term, but would like them to be able to also rate how good they are in that genre.

    I think it would be doing double work for someone to select the genres as tags/categories then select them again in ACF lower down on the page. I can see people forgetting to do this.

    I’m not sure if there is a way to prepopulate a repeater field with a dropdown that has the taxonomies they already selected, so they could then just select a rating next to that.

    I suppose one way to mitigate this would be to eliminate using taxonomies all together in favor of using a pre populated dropdown in ACF. Only issue I see for that is I lose having an archive page and not sure what that will do for filtering as I am using the FacetWP plugin.

    Any suggestions?

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