hello all,
My custom post types have Google Map field. I’d like to query them by that field.
There is a guide Query posts by custom fields which I am trying to follow for my needs.
My query should return all places within map bounds. It should look like this:
$args = array(
'post_type' => 'place',
'meta_query' => array(
'relation' => 'AND',
'key' => 'Google Map field',
'value' => 'Latitude',
'compare' => 'between $north and $south'
'key' => 'Google Map field',
'value' => 'Longitude',
'compare' => 'between $east and $west'
Is it possible access ‘Google Map field’->Latitude and ‘Google Map field’->Longitude within the query?
The ACF google map field stores a serialized array of values. It is impossible to search these values in the manner you describe.
In order to do a search on longitude and latitude you would need to create an acf/save_post filter. In this filter you get the value of the ACF google map field without formatting.
$value = get_field('map-field-name', $post_id, false)
You would then save these values into WP custom meta using update_post_mata(). You can then uses these fields for your search.