Hi, I’ve the following code
<?php if(have_rows('ore')):?>
<?php while( have_rows('ore')): the_row();
$start = get_sub_field('start');
$end = get_sub_field('end');
<?php if( get_row_index() != 1 ){ echo '/'; }?>
<?php echo $start;?> – <?php echo $end;?>
<?php endwhile;?>
<?php endif;?>
Which outputs the two fields (start & end) in this form: “12.00 – 13.00”. In case there are more they’ll be displayed like this 12.00 – 13.00 / 15.40 – 16.00 and so on.
How can I put a comma after the last field?
put echo ', '
between the end of the while and end of the if
Hi John, thank you for your answer, doing so I had a space before the comma.
I did some further research and found out that was because I was switching in and out PHP, that was causing the whitespace to be echoed out.
thank you anyway