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Programmatically adding layouts to a flexible content field

  • Hi All

    I have seen similar topics on the forums to do what I am trying to do but nothing quite right so I am hoping you guys can help me out.

    I am developing a base theme that we can use as a basis for our projects that relies on having re-usable layouts that can be added to an ACF field group and used throughout the sites.

    What I want to be able to do is select one of my layouts from a dropdown, then select the field group, and field within that field group that I want to install that layout to, it will then grab all the information that I have stored in an array for that layout, and add it as an available layout of the ACF field. I hope that makes sense!

    I can’t find any documentation on how to actually programatically add a layout to an existing field in ACF. I did find something on another topic that mentioned something like this:

    $field_data = acf_get_field($field);
    $key = uniqid();
    $field_data['layouts'][$key] = array(
    	'display' => 'block',
    	'key' => $key,
    	'label' => 'Test',
    	'max' => '',
    	'min' => '',
    	'name' => 'test',
    	'sub_fields' => array()

    However this doesn’t seem to do anything. I suspect this is something to do with the local_field part? It is worth noting that these fields are not adding using PHP in the functions file, they are added using the admin interface then cached into the acf-json files.

    Any guidance would be greatly appreciated!!

    Many thanks

  • I am still working on this and am slowly progressing forward, I have now managed to get it to add the layout using the following code:

    $field_data = acf_get_field($field);
    $key = uniqid();
    $field_data['layouts'][$key] = array(
    	'display' => 'block',
    	'key' => $key,
    	'label' => 'Test',
    	'max' => '',
    	'min' => '',
    	'name' => 'test',
    	'sub_fields' => $sub_fields

    The problem is, no matter what I pass as the sub_fields, they get stripped out by the update_field method on the flexible content plugin before the save is called on line 1334:

    function update_field( $field ) {
    		// loop
    		if( !empty($field['layouts']) ) {
    			foreach( $field['layouts'] as &$layout ) {
    		// return		
    		return $field;

    I am not quite sure why this would be? Is there a way that I can re-add the sub_fields to the layout afterwards?

    A note to anyone else that stumbles upon this, using acf_update_field does not refresh the cached version in the acf-json folder so you need to remove those files if you want to use this method.

    Any input would be greatly appreciated!!

    All the best

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