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I contact you because I am on the end of the development of my site and I have several problems with my ACF Pro. Here is the site in question: https://entreprise-charpente.com/
I use ACF pro, Divi Machine (plugin to display ACF fields with Divi theme).
I also use WpRocket and AssetsCleanUp Pro.
1st question / problem, with my job cards (ex : https://entreprise-charpente.com/charpentier/patrimoine-et-couverture-dalsace-67600/)
I have a field ACF Image with a format of return URL of the image. I import my data with WP All Import and the ACF Import plugin.
I would like my uploaded pictures to be saved in the library on import. I checked “Download images hosted elsewhere” but it is not enough, it does not fit in the library.
So then in my CPT, with some modules I can get the value and the image, but with the ACF shortcode or the ACF module of Divi Machine, it does not get the value.
My photo URL’s look like this:
– https://streetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com/v1/thumbnail?panoid=jM5_CHP1aNM4E92kQ9adLg&cb_client=search.gws-prod.gps&w=408&h=240&yaw=230.80983&pitch=0&thumbfov=100
– https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/p/AF1QipNodcv0shRUunmf9XugDjVC9gpwZXC1yKCXmXI7=w408-h306-k-no
Does anyone have an idea? Ideally if I can also rename the image before uploading it that would be perfect!
2nd problem (https://entreprise-charpente.com/charpentier/patrimoine-et-couverture-dalsace-67600/):
I have a Repeater field on my job cards, for achievements. When an achievement is added, there seems to be a conflict with the map also present on the page. The map disappears and especially, I put a lightbox on the images of the realization but when we click on the image, it opens in the current tab instead of putting in lightbox, it does not open the viewer.
If you can help me with these 2 problems it would be really perfect and it would allow me to almost finish my site!
Thanks a lot to you.
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