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Problem while saving a Flexible content

  • hi,

    I’m experiencing a problem while saving a Flexible content via the admin. Version: 5.3.1


    Error message: Warning: Illegal string offset ‘acf_fc_layout’ in […path…]src\web\app\plugins\advanced-custom-fields-pro\pro\fields\flexible-content.php on line 232


        "key": "group_563cdc8b56cf9",
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  • The field group you posted doesn’t seem to match the image you linked to.

    Try updating to 5.3.2 and see if you’re still seeing this error.

  • I’ll try to update.

    Right, there’s another flexible type for the page:

        "key": "group_563d1d37c374d",
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  • Can you attache that field group instead on putting it into the editor? You may need to put it in a .zip file. If you do that and you’re still having a problem, if you attach it I can give it a quick test and see if it’s causing an error for me.

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