at the moment iam trying to boost the overall performance of my site a bit. When i save an empty page i see that ACF is saving the default (or empty) values from the hidden flexible content layout clones.
Is there a way to prevent ACF from doing this?
On the same topic: When i look at the post data in firebug i see that all the values from ACF gets also saved as a wordpress metafield, anyway to prevent this?
It’s really a mess, as you can see in the image.
Thanks a lot for your help elliot,
Hi @Michael1981
I’ll take a look at the flexible content field. The clones should not be saving data.
Hi elliot,
thanks for your feedback, anything new?
The problem at the moment is that whenever you add a flexible layout ACF saves the values of all layouts in the flexible content field. That means if i just add a image (1 custom field in the layout ‘image’), the other ~30 fields (p, hr, video, audio, embed) from the layout clones gets saved too.
That means just 3 little images, ~90 fields get saved.
It’s getting really fast, really big.
Thanks again for your feedback, hope that there is an solution.
edit*: If you want to i can provide an login if you cant reproduce it.
Edit: It appears that after adding content only the flexible layout that contains a repeater field is saving all the clones again and again with each subfield.
if i just add a normal flexible layout field the clones only gets saved one time on startup, after then i just saves the fields that are created.
So the problem might be the repeater field inside an flexible content layout and it would be nice if NO clone gets saved ever.