Hello there!
On my site – staging.uniqueteambuilding.com.au a conflict has occurred with the FMV plugin (https://wordpress.org/plugins/fast-velocity-minify/). And has resulted in the prev & next arrows not appearing on the top hero slider (instead there is Prev Next text in the bottom left below the slider), and in the Repeater Fields (all 3 of them) the arrows are there but as is “Prev” and “Next” text and all in the wrong location.
Disabling every feature of the FMV plugin doesn’t fix this, only disabling it does. I require to keep this plugin.
Looking at the Inspect Element, everything is still the same apart from where (as per the Network tab of DevTools) I notice that the “controls.png” resource is not being requested. This png includes the prev next arrows for the Hero Slider.
Does anyone know anything about this or how to fix it? These arrows (controls) are the only issue with the FMV plugin enabled.
Many thanks!