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Prefilling fields not visible to user

  • Hi Guys,

    Forgive me if this is an obvious question but a complete beginner in the world of coding.

    Is there anyway I can prefill part of the form which the user can’t see but it does it automatically. I have a few ideas for this for example:

    URL – prefill https://
    Phone number – prefill tel:
    Instagram username: prefill (so all they need to input is there username).

    Will appreciate any help i can get in this thanks.

  • Thanks John, I had wondered if this was the answer to my question in research. So thanks for confirming.

  • Hi John, I am adding the following to my theme functions file but not having much luck.

    function my_acf_prepare_field( $field ) {
        // Lock-in the value "".
        if( $field['value'] === '' ) {
            $field['readonly'] = true;
        return $field;
    add_filter('acf/prepare_field/name=instagram', 'my_acf_prepare_field');

    Is it because I am using the ACF Frontend plugin?

    Thanks in advance

  • You need to put add_filter() outside of the function

    function my_acf_prepare_field( $field ) {
        // Lock-in the value "".
        if( $field['value'] === '' ) {
            $field['readonly'] = true;
        return $field;
    add_filter('acf/prepare_field/name=instagram', 'my_acf_prepare_field');
  • Thanks for confirming John, still no luck for me unfortunately.

  • I just noticed that you are no setting the value, only trying to make it readonly if it’s already set to a specific value. Maybe I’m confused about what you’re trying to do.

  • Perhaps, let me try and share some more insight, I have a front end form which people fill in to customise a profile on the front end too. I would like the to be filled in the field before they even touch the form but not visible. So I can then label the field “instagram username” when they put there username in it creates the value for a button to be clicked and redirected to their instagram profile.

  • I would not bother with a field for the Instagram URL. I would just have a “intagram user name” field and then if it’s filled in then output the url in code, something like this:

    if (get_field('intagram_user_name')) {
      ?><a href="<?php 
            the_field('intagram_user_name'); ?>" target="_blank>Instagram</a><?php 

    Storing the actual URL to instagram for every user seems like a waste of DB space.

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