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Pre-fill repeater field

  • I’m in trouble right now and I need you to help on a little problem that I have.

    For one of my clients I need to use ACF repeater field and populate it with empty categories from a custom taxonomy

    So I started with something like this:

    `function acf_load_my_load_cat($value, $post_id, $field){

    $args = array( ‘taxonomy’ => ‘ville_formation’);
    $post_categories = wp_get_post_terms( get_the_ID(), ‘ville_formation’, array(“fields” => “ids”) );

    if ( !empty( $post_categories ) ) {
    $args[‘exclude’] = $post_categories;

    $categories = get_terms( $args );`

    So basically created a function that grab my taxonomy (wich is called ville_formation) and defined which term is not empty, excluded it and stored the others on a variable named $categories

    ` $value=array();

    foreach ( $categories as $category ) {
    $value [] = array(
    ‘field_5cd186302ef1c’ => $category->name);

    Now with this I’m creating an empty array, and for each stored term, I create a row on my array and I assign it a key that is the key of the field (here : ‘field_5cd186302ef1c’)

    `return $value;
    add_filter(‘acf/load_value/name=villes_a_ajouter_III’, ‘acf_load_my_load_cat’, 10, 3);`
    And at last I return the values and load my array on my repeater field (here called : ‘villes_a_ajouter_III’)

    This seem to work correctly, but in this repeater that I’m populating with this function, I have some radio buttons next to it, and every time that I made a choice and update my post, the choice on this radio field is not saved.

    My problem is that my code is creating an empty array every time in order to populate my field. How do I proceed to avoid this, in order to save my choices from this group of radio button?

    So any idea to add/modify something to store the value from those radio buttons?

    PS : For those who want the entire code :

    `function acf_load_my_load_cat($value, $post_id, $field){

    $args = array( ‘taxonomy’ => ‘ville_formation’);
    $post_categories = wp_get_post_terms( get_the_ID(), ‘ville_formation’, array(“fields” => “ids”) );

    if ( !empty( $post_categories ) ) {
    $args[‘exclude’] = $post_categories;

    $categories = get_terms( $args );


    foreach ( $categories as $category ) {
    $value [] = array(
    ‘field_5cd186302ef1c’ => $category->name);
    return $value;
    add_filter(‘acf/load_value/name=villes_a_ajouter_III’, ‘acf_load_my_load_cat’, 10, 3);`

  • no help for me on this problem ? i’m stuck on this for weeks, if you have any helps i take it !

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